第5章:レポートとガイド Chapter 5: Reports and Guides 


製品の概要レポート Product Summary Report 

製品情報Product Information 
At the top of the display area of each product, the name of the product is on the left and the product class on the right side. The product class represents the family of products in which this particular product belongs. For example, chairs, sofas and beds belong to the Furniture product class. If your corporation operates using a Range Brand strategy (see Chapter 7, Marketing) it is important to know which products fall into which product class to maximize the benefits of the strategy. 

Next to the picture of the product is a graph that can show either the total revenue or the total quantity sold over the past 12 months. Press the Revenue Graph button or the Qty Sold Graph button at the bottom of the window to choose which to display. 

To the right of the graph, there are two pie charts. The left chart shows each producer’s share in the market and the right one each retailer’s share in the market. Each piece of the pie represents a different corporation’s market share. The white portion, if shown, represents the combined market share of all local competitors. 

There are local competitors in each city. Although their firms are not shown on the game map, they do compete directly with all of the corporations in the game. Sometimes, they can even be the major competing force in the market. 

The product picture itself is a hypertext button. Click the button to display the Product Detail Report. 

表示フィルタ Display Filter 
You can control the products listed in the report by setting the display filters. 
The four display filters are described below. 

製品出荷フィルター Product Availability Filter 
The product availability filter has the following options: 
. All. Displays all available products. 
. Has Trade Sales. Displays only products available in the trade market. 
. Has Retail Sales. Displays only products retailed by corporations. 

Product Category Filter 
The product category filter has the following options: 
. All. Displays all product categories. 
. Consumer Goods. Displays only consumer goods. 
. Industrial Goods. Displays only industrial goods. 

Corporation Filter 
Set this filter to a corporation to list only those products being produced or retailed by that corporation. The default setting, All, lists every corporation. 

City Filter 
If this filter is set to All Cities, the report shows the combined sales of all products in all cities. 
Set this filter to a specific city to list sales information for that city only. The browser also shows the population of each city. 

Product Detail Report 
The Product Detail Report provides complete information about a specific product. You can access the Product Detail Report any of the following ways: 
. Call it up from the Information Screen. 
. Click the product’s picture in the Product Summary Report. 
. Highlight a firm in the map and double-click the picture of a product in the firm. 
As well as repeating the information available in the Product Summary Report, the Product Detail Report also displays product specific information. 
If the product is for consumers, the report displays the average price, quality rating, brand rating, and overall rating of the goods that are being sold by local competitors in the city. 
Next to the local competitor information, the average price, quality rating, brand rating, and overall rating of all goods from both corporations and local competitors are displayed. 

When consumers buy a product, they usually consider several factors. Generally, the three most important factors are price, quality, and brand. The importance of these three factors, however, varies for each product. For example, when buying a pair of sport shoes, a consumer is more concerned about brand than price. In contrast, when buying a piece of frozen meat, a consumer is usually more concerned about price than brand. Based on consumer behavior, each product has a set of predefined values. These are price concern, quality concern, and brand concern. They are shown as percentages and their sum is always 100%. If a consumer buys a product with 50% price concern, 30% quality concern, and 20% brand concern, the foremost criterion in the consumer’s mind is price with quality second, and brand third. 

Necessity Index 
In the top section of the report, the necessity index of the product is displayed next to the product picture. A high index value indicates that the product is necessary to people in their daily lives. The demand for necessary goods is fairly constant, because people must buy them even if the price they are offered is not attractive. 
Conversely, the demand for non-necessary goods is influenced mainly by the attractiveness of the goods. Therefore, cutting the price does not always result in decreased profit, because the lower price can stimulate demand. 
This increased demand could offset or even surpass the reduced profit margin. 

Product Browser 
The product browser lists all of the products of the same type currently being sold in a specific city. The price, quality rating, and brand rating are shown for each product. 
If you want to know more about a product, look at the information displayed below the product browser. These sections display the data related to price, brand, and quality in detail. By evaluating these data, you can determine the strengths and/or weaknesses of each competitor’s product lines. 
Like the Product Summary Report, the displayed graph can be toggled between Revenue and Quantity Sold. 

Changing Selling Price 
The Product Detail Report gives you all the essential information about the product, and also serves as the control center for battling your competitors in the marketplace. You can respond to your competitors by cutting your products’ prices or raising your prices to increase the profit margin if the market is already under your control. To change the price of a product sold by your corporation, simply highlight that product and adjust the Price spinner. The new selling price takes effect as soon as you confirm the price. 

Prev and Next Button 
Click the Prev button to display the previous product or the Next button to display the next product. The products you can browse are limited to those currently sold in the selected city. By changing the city (select a new city name at the top right of the screen) you can see if the same products are being sold in another city. This is useful if you wish to target a new city with products you already sell (and perhaps manufacture) in another city. 

Go Button 
Click the Go button to go to the retail store that is selling the highlighted product. 

Firm Summary Report 
The Firm Summary Report lets you quickly browse the summary information of all firms. 

Three filters at the top of the report let you limit the list to a specific type of firm, firms owned by a specific corporation, or firms in a specific city. To see only your factories, select Factory in the firm type filter and your corporation in the corporation filter. You may also select the “Firm for sale” filter option to see only firms currently for sale. 
For the firm record, you see two graphs. The left one shows the firm’s revenue for the past 12 months. The right one shows the firm’s profit for the past 12 months. The color bar below the firm icon is the firm’s corporate color. If the word delegate is displayed on the color bar, the control of the firm is delegated to your Chief Operating Officer or Chief Technical Officer. 

Other information shown includes: 
. City. The city where the firm is located. 
. Years of Operating. How many years the firm has been operating. 
. Lifetime Revenue. Total firm revenue over its lifetime. 
. Lifetime Profit. Total firm profit over its lifetime. 
. No. of Employees. Total number of employees working for the firm. 
. No. of Units. Total number of units in the firm. 
. Average Unit Level. The average unit level of all units in the firm. 
. Average Utilization. How busy your employees are. The firm is fully utilized when this ratio is 100%. 
Click the Firm image or the Go button to close the report and go to the selected firm immediately. 

Corporate Summary Report 
This report shows the following information about each corporation: 
. Financial overview 
. Stock overview 
. Firms overview 
. Business relations 
To find out more about a corporation, click its corporate logo to display the Corporation Detail Report. To go back to the Corporate Summary Report, click the Corp. Summary button at the bottom of the detail report window. 

Financial Overview 
This shows the following financial information about the corporation: 
. Cash. The corporation’s cash. 
. Annual Revenue. Total corporate revenue over the past 365 days. 
. Annual Profit. Total corporate operating profit over the past 365 days. 
. Profit Graph. The corporation’s operating profit over the past 12 months. 

Stock Overview 
The stock overview shows information about the corporation’s stock. 
. Stock Price. The corporation’s current stock price. 
. Equity Per Share. Calculated by dividing the shareholders’ equity in the corporation by the total number of outstanding shares. 
. Earnings Per Share. Determined by dividing the corporation’s annual operating profit by the total number of outstanding shares. 
. P/E Ratio. Calculated by dividing the stock price by the earnings per share. 
. Dividend Yield. Dividends are the distribution of a company’s earnings to the stockholders. The dividend yield is a percentage calculated by dividing the dividend by the stock price. 
. Total Return. Total return to shareholders is calculated by dividing the total return on one share over the past 365 days by the stock price. This return includes the dividend received and profit gained from the rise of the stock price. 
. Stock Price Graph. Shows the corporation’s stock price over the past 12 months. 
。 P / Eレシオ。株当たり利益で株価で除して算出。

Firms Overview 
This overview shows the total number of firms of each type that the corporation owns. 

Business Relations 
Relationships between your corporation and other businesses are shown in several ways. These relationships are reported based on how much trade has been conducted between the two businesses. 
. YTD Trade. The value of the trade between the player’s corporation and the displayed corporation in the current year. 
. Lifetime Trade. The value of the trade between the player’s corporation and the displayed corporation during their lifetimes. 

Corporate Detail Report 
You can find most of the information about a corporation in the Corporate Detail Report. The following sections are available: 
. Overview 
. Firms 
. Products 
. Graphs 1 
. Graphs 2 
. Stock 
. Balance Sheet 
. Income Statement 
. Technology 
. Advertising 
. Brand 
. Dominance 
. Statements 

The Corporate Detail Report has the following overview sections: 

Management Overview 
This shows the chairman and chief executive officer of the corporation and indicates their character. If a Chief Operating Officer has been hired, his/her portrait and character are also displayed. For computer controlled corporations the business strategy of the corporation is shown. This can be one of the following: 
. Diversified. The corporation operates all kinds of firms. 
. Retail Focused. The corporation opens only department stores. 
. Production Focused. The corporation only produces products. 
. Stock Focused. The corporation focuses on investing and speculating stocks of other corporations. 

Financial Overview and Stock Overview 
This shows some important financial and stock information. The information displayed is the amalgamation of the Corporate Summary Reports’ Finance, Stock and Firms screens. 

Firms Overview 
This shows the total number of each type of firm that the corporation owns. 

This report shows the total number of each type of firm that the corporation owns and their annual revenue and profit. 
. Annual Revenue. Total revenue of all firms of a specific type owned by the corporation over the most recent 12-month period. 
. Annual Profit. The total operating profit of all firms of a specific type owned by the corporation over the most recent 12-month period. 
The report explains which types of firms are your corporation’s main profit generators. When you plan changes to your corporation, make sure you sustain the profitability of these valuable firms. On the other hand, you also find out which firm’s burden your corporation and limit its overall profitability. 
A shrewd manager finds this information critical to improving the company’s profits. 

This report reveals only the consolidated revenue and profit. If you need the profitability statistics for individual firms, refer to the Firm Summary Report (see above). 

This report lists the products that contribute to the revenue and profit of the corporation. It shows the following information about each product: 
. Annual Revenue. Total product sales over the last 12-month period. 
. Annual Gross Profit. Gross profit is the difference between the sales and the cost of the goods sold. Other operating expenses are not factored into this calculation. 
In the default setting, the report shows all products being sold by the corporation. To limit the list to products that the corporation is currently producing, click the Production button at the bottom of the report. Also, you can click the Retail button to see only products that the corporation is currently retailing. 

Graphs 1 
This report contains 12 graphs. They show six different items about the corporation over two different periods: the past 12 months and the past 30 years. 
. Expenses. The corporation’s total operating expenses. 
. Net Profit. A corporation’s net profit is the sum of the operating profit and other nonoperating profits of the corporation. Because it includes the return on stock and increase in land value, this figure fluctuates when the stock price or the land value fluctuates. 
. Revenue. The corporation’s total operating revenue. 
. Net Worth. Net worth, or shareholders’ equity, of a corporation represents the resources invested by shareholders. It is the difference between a corporation’s total assets and total liabilities. 
. Operating Profit. A corporation’s operating profit is the difference between the corporation’s operating income and operating expenses. It tells how much the corporation has earned by producing and selling goods over a specific period. 
. Stock Price. The price of the corporation’s stock. 

Graphs 2 
This report contains 12 graphs. The graphs show the following information over the past ten-year period: 
. Cash. The amount of cash that the corporation has on hand. 
. Inventory. The total value of all raw materials and goods stocked in firms owned by the corporation. 
. Business Assets. The total value of all business buildings and facilities owned by the corporation. 
. Land and Resources. The value of the land and natural resources owned by the corporation. 
. Stock Assets. The total value of stock that the corporation owns. 
. Total Loans. The total loans that the corporation has borrowed. 
. Dividend Paid. The dividend paid each year. 
. Stock Return. The profit gained from the rise of the price of the stocks owned by the corporation and the dividend received from these stocks. 
. Salaries Expense. The corporation’s total salary expenses. 
. Advertising. The total amount of the corporation’s advertising spending. 
. Training. The corporation’s spending on staff training and procurement of new equipment. 
. Write-offs. The corporation’s business assets and inventories which have been discontinued are treated as write-offs.
There are two sections in the Stock Report. The first section lists the corporation’s shareholders and shows their shares in a pie chart. 
. Shareholder. The name of the shareholder. 
. Owned Qty. The quantity owned. 
. Owned %. The percentage owned, calculated by dividing the quantity owned by the total number of outstanding shares of the stock. 
. Stock Value. The total value of the stock owned by the shareholder. 
. Position. The shareholder’s position in the corporation (CEO = Chief 
Executive Officer, CEO & C = Chief Executive Officer and Chairman). 
。 %を所有していた。株式の発行済株式総数が所有する量で除して算出した所有割合。 

A corporation can own stock of other corporations. The second section of the Stock Report shows the information about the stock that the current corporation owns. 
. Corporation. The corporation name of the stock. 
. Price. The current stock price. 
. Owned Qty. The quantity owned. 
. Owned %. The percentage owned, calculated by dividing the quantity owned by the total number of outstanding shares of the stock. 
. Stock Value. The total value of the stock. 
. Subsidiary. Whether the corporation listed is a subsidiary of the current corporation. 
。 %を所有していた。株式の発行済株式総数が所有する量で除して算出した所有割合。 

Balance Sheet 
A balance sheet is a financial statement showing the corporation’s assets (what the corporation owns), liabilities (what it owes), and the difference, called shareholders’ equity or net worth. 

Note that the balance sheet shows the amount of each account in three different periods: 
. Total. The total amount of the account 
. YTD changes. Year-to-date changes to the account. 
. Last Year Changes. Last-year changes of the account.

Anything of value owned by a corporation is regarded as an asset. Assets 
are classified into the following categories: 
. Cash. The amount of cash that the corporation currently has. 
. Inventory. The total value of all raw materials, intermediate goods, and finished goods stocked in firms owned by the corporation. 
. Business Assets. The total value of all business buildings and facilities owned by the corporation. 
. Land and Natural Resources. The land and reserves of natural resources that the corporation owns. 
. Stocks. The total value of stock that the corporation owns. 

Anything that a corporation owes is regarded as liability. 
. Bank Loans. The amount of money that the corporation has borrowed from banks. 
Shareholders’ Equity 
. Shareholders’ Equity. Shareholders’ equity, or net worth, of a corporation represents the resources invested by shareholders. It is the difference between a corporation’s total assets and total liabilities. 
. Common Stock. The amount of money that has been invested directly into the corporation by shareholders. The account increases when new shares are issued and decreases when the corporation buys back its shares. 
. Retained Earnings. The earnings that have been reinvested back into the business after dividends are paid to stockholders. 

Income Statement 
The income statement shows the corporation’s business results. The corporation’s income, expenses, and profit are displayed in dollars. The balance sheet shows the value for each account during four different periods: 
. Current Month. The value for the account in the current month. 
. Last Month. The value for the account in the last month. 
. YTD. The year-to-date value of the account; the amount accumulated since the beginning of the current year. 
. Lifetime. The value for the account accumulated in the corporation’s lifetime.
。 YTD。アカウントの年初来値。現在の年の初めからの累積額。 

Operating Revenue 
The total operating income of the corporation is the consolidation of the operating income of all firms owned by the corporation. 

Operating Expenses 
A corporation has the following types of operating expense: 
. Cost of Sales. The consolidated cost of sales, which includes costs of all raw materials, intermediate goods, and salable products purchased by all firms owned by the corporation. 
. Salaries Expenses. This refers to the total salary expenses within the corporation. 
. Operating Overhead. The fixed operating overhead of all firms owned by the corporation is reported here. 
. Advertising Spending. The total amount of advertising spending by the corporation is reported here. 
. Training and New Equipment. The corporation’s spending on staff training and procurement of new equipment is reported here. 
. Write-offs. Discontinued merchandise from the corporation’s business assets and inventories are treated as write-offs. 

Operating Profit 
The operating profit of a corporation is the difference between the corporation’s operating revenue and operating expenses. It shows directly how much the corporation has earned by producing and selling goods over a specific period. Since the ultimate goal of most corporations is to earn as much money as possible, this single figure means a lot to a corporation. Due to its importance, the annual operating profit of a corporation is also displayed in various other reports and screens for quick reference. 
この単一の図は、法人に多くのことを意味します。 、その重要性に、 

Other Profit 
The other profit section of an income statement includes the nonoperating incomes and expenses of the corporation. 
. Stock Return. The profit gained from the rise of the price of the stock owned by the corporation and the dividend received from this stock. 
. Increase in Asset Value. The increase in the value of assets by the corporation. 
. Loan Interest. The loan interest paid by the corporation to the bank.

Net Profit 
Add a corporation’s other profits to its operating profits to get the net profit of the corporation. It includes all sources of profit that a corporation generates over a specific period. 
NOTE: Because the net profit includes the fluctuation of the value of the stock owned by the corporation, it may rise over time. Thus, it may not be a sufficient indicator of the actual profit-earning ability of the corporation. For this reason, when we refer to profit or earnings, it always means the operating profit instead of the net profit. 

The Technology Report shows the following information about a product. 
. Product. The name of the product. If a diamond appears in front of the product name, the corporation is currently producing the product. 
. Current Tech. The current production technology level of the product. 
. Top Tech. The top production technology level of the product in the world. At the beginning, the top technology level of all products is 100. 
When a product with a higher technology level enters the market, the top technology level is updated accordingly. 
. Target Tech. The target production technology level that is reached when the current research and development (R&D) plan is complete. 

Nothing is shown here if there is no R&D plan on the product. 
. R&D Progress. The red bar shows the progress of the current 
research and development (R&D) plan. To the right of the bar, you see the duration of the R&D plan and the number of R&D units involved in the R&D plan. Nothing is shown here if there is no R&D plan on the product. 
The report can show either technology information for products that the corporation is currently researching or technology information for all products. Toggle between each information set by using the All and Products with R&D Only buttons. If you click the Go button, the game will jump to display the R&D unit conducting the research. 

For more information about production technology, see Manufacturing Unit on page 47. For more information about R&D plans to improve your corporation’s production technology, see Research & Development Unit on page 55. 


This report lists all the products advertised by the selected corporation. The following information is shown in the report: 
. Product. The product being advertised. 
. City. The city in which the product is being advertised. 
. Brand Rating. The current brand rating of the product. 
. Monthly Ad. Spending. The monthly advertising spending of the product. 
. Daily Ad. Freq. The daily advertising frequency indicates the number of times a target audience is exposed to an advertisement in a day. 
. Rating Points. A measurement of the portion of potential audiences receiving messages from a specific media vehicle. One rating point is equivalent to 1 percent of all of the potential audiences receiving messages from a specific media vehicle. 
You can sort the list by product name or city name. You can change the sorting order by clicking on the buttons on the lower part of the report. 

This report shows brand information of any corporation in any city instantly. 
The information in this report is straightforward. See Chapter 7 Marketing for more information relating to brands. 

Switching Brand Strategy 
This report is somewhat different from the other reports, because you can switch your corporation’s brand strategy here. The selected button in the upper left indicates your corporation’s brand strategy: 
. Corporate Brand. A single brand covers all products. 
. Range Brand. A brand covers a range of products. 
. Unique Brand. Each product has a unique brand. 
To switch to a new brand strategy, click the button you want. You are warned that your products will be labeled with new brands and brand ratings of all your products will be set to zero as a result. To proceed, answer Yes to start the brand replacement immediately. 
Decide the brand strategy of your corporation at the beginning of the game. Switching brand strategy after brands have been established leads to a loss of the hard-earned brand rating. This also gives your competitors an advantage in competing with your products while you are re-establishing your brands. 

This reports the results of the corporation’s market dominance in various industries and different markets. It shows the corporation’s market share and position in each industry and market. 
You control the display range by clicking one of the three buttons at the bottom of the report: 
. All. Show all industries and markets. 
. With Market Share. Show only those products for which the corporation has market shares. 
. Only Dominated. Show only those products which are dominated by the corporation. 

This report shows financial statements that are important in determining whether a corporation is gaining or losing ground in the unending struggle for profitability and solvency. Each financial statement is explained below: 
. Net Worth. The difference between the corporation’s total assets and total loans. 
. Market Value. The corporation’s market value is calculated by multiplying the corporation’s stock price by the total number of outstanding shares of the corporation. 
. Cash. The cash that the corporation currently has on hand. 
. Annual Revenue. The corporation’s total revenue over the past 365 days. 
. Annual Operating Profit. The corporation’s total operating profit over the past 365 days. 
. Annual Net Profit. The corporation’s total net profit over the past 365 days. 
. Total Assets. The sum of the corporation’s assets. The individual asset details are shown in the corporation’s balance sheet. 
. Total Loans. The corporation’s total bank loans. 
. Stock Asset. The total value of stock that the corporation owns. 
. No. of Years of Operating. The number of years that the corporation has been operating. 
. Total No. of Employees. The total number of employees includes those working for the corporation in all firms. 
. No. of Product Classes. The total number of classes of product which the corporation is currently producing. 
. No. of Product Types. The total number of product types which the corporation is currently producing. 
. Return on Equity. The annual return on the capital invested by the ordinary corporate shareholders as a percentage. It can be calculated by dividing the corporation’s annual profit by the shareholders’ equity of the corporation. 
. Return on Total Assets. This is the percentage calculated by dividing the corporation’s annual profit by the total assets of the corporation. It gives you a brief idea about the profit-generation efficiency of the assets of the corporation. 
. Dividend Yield. The dividend yield is a percentage calculated by dividing the dividend by the stock price. 
. Total Return to Investors. The total return to investors is a percentage calculated by dividing the total amount of return on one share over the past 365 days by the stock price. The return includes the dividend received and profit gained from the rise of the stock price. 
. Operating Profit Margin. The operating profit margin tells you how profitable the corporation’s products are to manufacture and sell. It is a percentage calculated by dividing the corporation’s annual operating profit by the corporation’s annual income. 
. Net Profit Margin. The net profit margin measures a corporation’s profitability after all costs and expenses have been paid. It is a percentage calculated by dividing the corporation’s annual net profit by the corporation’s annual income. 
. Inventory Turnover. The relationship between the corporation’s annual sales and the value of the corporation’s inventory. It indicates the number of times that the inventories turn over and can be calculated by dividing the corporation’s annual sales by the value of the corporation’s inventory. 
. Assets Turnover. The relationship between the corporation’s annual sales and the value of the corporation’s total assets. It indicates the number of times that the assets turn over and can be calculated by dividing the corporation’s annual sales by the value of the corporation’s total assets. 
. Equity-to-Assets Ratio. The equity-to-assets ratio is a measure of the financial strength of the corporation. A high ratio indicates that the corporation is financially healthy because its assets are mostly financed by its own capital instead of loans. This ratio can be calculated by dividing the corporation’s equity by the corporation’s total assets. 


Financial Report 
The Financial Report displays one of the following financial statements: 
. Corporate Balance Sheet 
. Corporate Income Statement 
. Firm Income Statement 
Firm Income Statement is only available when you access the Financial 
Report by clicking the “$” button on the firm detail screen. It shows the income statement of the current firm. 

Corporate Balance Sheet and Corporate Income Statement are the same as those in Corporate Detail Report. They are here for your quick access. 

Person Report 
The Person Report shows information about all persons active in the game. 
Some of these people compete directly with you in the marketplace while the rest are investors and speculators who are more interested in trading stocks than starting up businesses themselves. 

You will see two browsers in the upper section of the report. The one on the left lists all of the people and lets you select which person’s information you want to see. The one on the right is the topic selector, which lets you select the information to display in the report. The topics available include: 
. Summary. Lists a summary of each person. 
. Wealth. Displays the person’s wealth status. 
. Career. Displays the person’s career status. 
. Personality. Displays the person’s personality. 
. Expertise. Lists a summary of a person’s skills 
. Score. Displays a person’s game score. 

This report displays the person summary information. The information displayed includes: 
. Character. The character determines how the person manages his/her business. Character is described as: conservative, moderate, 
aggressive, or very aggressive. 
. Job Title. Job title refers to whatever titles the person has earned through running or acquiring companies.
 CEO stands for Chief Executive Officer. 
. Corporation. The corporation which the person is operating. 
. Cash. The total cash this person owns. 
. Stocks. The total value of stocks this person owns. 
. Total Wealth. This person’s total wealth, calculated by adding the 
value of the cash and stocks. 
。文字。文字は、人は彼/彼女のビジネスをどのように管理するかを決定します。 、保守的な、中等度:キャラクターは次のように記述されている 

The information shown in this section covers the following areas: 


Personal Wealth 
. Cash. The total amount of cash this person owns. 
. Stocks. The total value of stocks this person owns. 
. Total. The person’s total wealth including cash and stocks. 

Owned Stocks 
. Corporation. The name of the corporation whose stock is owned. 
. Price. The current price of the stock. 
. Owned Qty. The quantity of stock. 
. Owned %. The percentage owned is calculated by dividing the quantity of the stock owned by the total number of outstanding shares of the stock. 
. Stock Value. The total value of the stock. 
. Position. The position the person holds in the corporation. (CEO = Chief Executive Officer; CEO & C = Chief Executive Officer and Chairman) 
。 %を所有していた。所有割合は、株式の発行済株式総数が所有する株式の数を割ることによって計算される。 
。位置。位置は人が法人で保持している。 (最高経営責任者(CEO)=最高経営責任者、最高経営責任者(CEO)およびC=最高経営責任者兼会長)

. Corporation. The corporation which the person is operating. 
. Job Title. Whatever titles the person has earned through running or acquiring companies. CEO stands for Chief Executive Officer. 
. Years of Service. The number of years the person has been working for the corporation. 
If the person is available you may hire them in the capacity of Chief Operating Officer, Chief Marketing Officer or Chief Technical Officer by selecting the appropriate button. 
If your corporation already hires the person, their salary and option to terminate their contract are also displayed. Beneath this information the person’s management policies are displayed. You may alter how the person approaches pricing, internal sale, and the acquisition of better suppliers and products. 
For more information regarding on-staff hiring see the section on Headquarters in Chapter 4 Buildings, Firms and Units. 

In the game, each computer player has an individual personality. See Chapter 4, Headquarters, for details. 

If you set the Competitor Expertise Level option in the new game setting menu to on, some of the computer players will have expertise. This report shows the expertise of individual computer players. See Chapter 4, Headquarters, for details. 

Game Score 
A person’s game score is determined by the following criteria: 
. The wealth of the person. 
. The market value of the corporations controlled by the person. . The number of industries dominated by the person’s corporations. 
. The number of products dominated by person’s corporations. 
. The difficulty rating of the game. 
. In a campaign game, if the player has achieved all the goals, the player will be rewarded with a bonus score. 
. In a normal game, if the player has been in the game for more than 50 years, the game score decreases accordingly. This rule keeps the 
player from obtaining a high score simply by accumulating profit as time passes. 
。人によって制御され、企業の市場価値。 。人の企業によって支配され、多くの産業。 

Goal Report 
The Goal Report shows the goals you are working toward and your progress toward achieving those goals. 

Normal Game 
In a normal game, the ultimate goal is to dominate all industries. The Target column lists the names of industries and the Achieved column shows whether or not you have dominated the industry. 

Campaign Game 
In a campaign game, the Goal Report shows the total number of years you have to complete the campaign game, as well as the number of years that have passed since the beginning of the game. The difference between these two numbers is the number of years you have left to achieve the goals. You lose the game if you cannot accomplish all the goals within the allotted time. 
There can be one or more goals for you to accomplish. These goals are listed in the Goal Report. The Target column shows the target value of the goal, the Current column shows your current value, and the Achieved column shows whether or not you have achieved that goal. 
For example, suppose the goal description column reads Annual Operating Profit of Your Corporation, the target column is $100 million, and the current column is $16 million. These values would indicate that your corporation’s annual operating profit must reach $100 million in order to complete the goal, but that they are currently only $16 million. From this information you can estimate how far you are in meeting the goal. 
しかし、彼らは現在、 1600万ドルであること。この情報から、あなたが目標を達成しているどの程度まで推定することができます。

Score Report 
The Score report indicates the current game score of the player and details how it is calculated. 

Billionaires 100 
This report shows the top 100 billionaires in the world. If your wealth makes you eligible to enter the chart, you see your name next to those celebrities. 
That honorable achievement deserves to be recorded. 
If you want to see only billionaires who appear in the game, you can select the Local Billionaires option in the upper right corner of the report. 

Manufacturer’s Guide 
This guide can be used to investigate which products are required to produce others. 
The display above depicts the products required to manufacture a Car . in this instance Car Body, Engine and Wheel & Tire. These three items are the raw materials. The overall quality of the Car is 30% determined by the Production Technology and 70% determined by its raw materials: 30% each for the Car Body and Engine and the remaining 10% by the Wheel & Tire unit. 
For an in depth analysis of manufacturing and quality aspects, see Chapter 4. 

Click More to see what other products the raw material forms or click the product picture to discover what materials it is derived from. 

Use the Previous or Next arrows (top right) to see other products. 
If you wish to search for a particular product, click the Input or Output buttons and select the product from the list. 

Farmer’s Guide 
This report lists the crops and livestock available in the game. The following two tables summarize the information. 

Crop Sowing Month Harvest Month 
Cocoa April October 
Coconut August April 
Corn August April 
Cotton February June 
Flax August April 
Grape July December 
Lemon August April 
Rubber Plant May February 
Strawberry February August 
Sugar Cane March September 
Tobacco November March 
Wheat August April 

Livestock Products 
Please note that in-game there is no difference between leather produced by cattle, pigs and sheep. 

To understand how each crop or livestock product may be used refer to the Manufacturer’s Guide below. 

Manager’s Guide 
This guide details the contents of each unit located in the layout section of firms. Units are discussed in-depth in Chapter 4. 

Cattle Frozen Beef Leather Milk 
Chicken Frozen Chicken Eggs N/A 
Pig Frozen Pork Leather N/A 
Sheep Frozen Lamb Leather Wool 
鶏肉冷凍鶏肉卵N / A 
豚冷凍豚肉レザーN / A 

Chapter 6: Stock and Finances 

The Stock Market 

Before you start investing in the stock market, you should be familiar with some basic stock concepts. Open up the Stock Market information screen by pressing the Information icon on the Toolbar and choose “Stock Market” from the left-hand menu or if the Game Tools menu is open, click the Stock Market icon. Alternatively click the Stock Market building in the main city view. 


Stock Market 

The screen now shows six browser windows, each with specific stock information. Before each window is fully explored, take a moment to read the following list to familiarize yourself with some of the terms used in the rest of this chapter. 

. Stock Price. The market determines the stock price. 
. Total No. of Shares. A company’s total number of shares. 
. Equity Per Share. Equity per share is calculated by dividing the amount of shareholders’ equity by the number of shares. 
. Earnings Per Share. Earnings per share is determined by dividing the amount of operating earnings over the past 365 days by the number of shares. Operating earnings are used in the calculation instead of net earnings because of game design considerations. This ensures that the stock price correctly reflects the profit-earning ability of the corporation and is not affected by the price fluctuation of stocks that the corporation owns. 
. Price/Earning (P/E) Ratio. The P/E ratio is the relationship between the price of a stock and its earnings per share. The P/E ratio is calculated by dividing the stock price by the earnings per share. A stock selling at $30 with earnings of $2 per share has a price/earnings ratio of 15. 
The P/E ratio can be thought of as the number of years it will take the company to earn back the amount of your initial investment assuming that the company’s earnings stay constant. Let’s say you buy 100 shares of a stock selling at $30 for $3000. Current earnings are $2 per share, so your 100 shares will earn $200 in one year, and the original investment of $3000 will be earned back in 15 years. 

This may give you the impression that stocks with low P/E ratios are more attractive than stocks with higher P/E ratios. However, it is not always true. You should also consider the profit growth potential of the company. 

A stock with a high P/E and a high profit growth rate may outperform a low P/E slow grower over the long run. 

. Dividend Yield. Dividend is the distribution of a company’s earnings to stockholders. Dividend yield is the percentage calculated by dividing the dividend by the stock price. 
. Total Return. The total return to shareholders is the percentage calculated by dividing the total return amount by the stock price. The total return amount includes the dividend and profit gained from the rise of the stock price over the past 365 days. 
The Stock Market Windows 

Stock Browser 

The Stock Browser window shows the stock available on the market. 
. Company. The name of the corporation. 

. Price. The stock price. 
. P/E. The stock’s price/earnings ratio. 
. Owned%. The percentage of the total number of shares owned by the current investor or investing corporation. 
. Stock Value. The value of the stock owned by the current investor or investing corporation. 

More details about the currently selected stock can be seen in the Detail Browser (as seen on the left). In this window you will see all the terms listed at the head of this chapter. 

Shareholder Browser 

The shareholder browser is under the Stock Browser. It identifies existing shareholders of the highlighted stock. 

. Shareholder. The name of the shareholder. 
. Owned Qty. The number of shares owned by the shareholder. 
. Owned%. The percentage of the total number of shares owned by the shareholder. 
To the right of this window the Stock Graph window shows the stock price over a specific period. You can select the period (past 30 days, past 30 months, or past 30 years) by clicking the corresponding button below the graph. 

Investor Browser 

The investor browser in the lower left of the screen lets you select the person or corporation that will be investing in the stock market. The available selections are the player as an individual and the corporations controlled by that player. 

. Who. The investor or the investing corporation. 
. Cash. The amount of cash the investor has. 
Buying and Selling to the Public 

To buy stocks from or sell stocks to public shareholders, follow these steps: 

1. Select which person or corporation will buy or sell the stock in the investor browser. 
2. Select the stock that you are going to buy or sell in the stock browser. 
3. At the lower right, you see something similar to the example shown below: In this example, there are 6,000,000 outstanding shares of stock and you are going to buy 5.00% of the total at $6.92 per share. The total price is $2,077,207. If you are satisfied with these conditions, click the Buy button to buy the stock. 

Use the same process to sell stocks. Just click the Sell button instead of the Buy button. 

For information about buying stock from nonpublic shareholders, see Tender Offer below. 

Buying Back Shares 

If a company buys back its shares, those shares are taken out of circulation and the supply of outstanding shares is reduced. This can have a positive effect on the earnings per share, which in turn has a positive effect on the stock price. If a company buys back half its shares and its overall earnings stay the same, the earnings per share double. Few companies could get such an increase in earning per share by merely cutting costs or selling more goods. 

Buying back shares also strengthens the owner’s control of the corporation and reduces the risk of being taken over. 

The procedure for buying back shares from public shareholders is not much different than normal stock buying. The steps are: 

1. Go to the Stock Information screen. 
2. Select the corporation as the buyer in the investor browser. 
3. Select the stock of the corporation in the stock browser. 
4. Set the percentage of total outstanding shares to buy and press the Buy button. 

Because the stock you buy back is taken out of circulation, the ownership percentages of all shareholders, except public shareholders, will increase. 

For example, suppose your corporation has 1,000,000 outstanding shares. 
You, the CEO, own 50% of the stock, or 500,000 shares of your corporation, and the other 50% of the stock is owned by public shareholders. If your corporation buys back 5% of its shares from public shareholders, 50,000 shares are taken out of circulation, and the total number of outstanding shares is reduced to 950,000. After this change, you own 52.63% of the stock (100% times 500,000 over 950,000) and the public shareholders own the remaining 47.37%. 

For details about buying back shares from nonpublic shareholders, see Tender Offer below. 

Tender Offer 

Tender offer is an offer to buy shares of a corporation, usually at a price in excess of the value of the shares on the stock market. A tender offer is necessary only if all shares of the stock that you are interested in are in the hands of nonpublic shareholders. 

To buy shares from nonpublic shareholders, do the following: 

1. Go to the Stock Information screen. 
2. Select which person or corporation will buy stock in the investor browser. 
3. Select the stock you are interested in from the Stock Browser. 
4. Select the shareholder from whom you want to buy stock. 
5. If you are going to buy stock from a corporation that you control, you can just set the percentage of the stock you want to buy and press the Buy button. The transaction is done at the current stock price. 
If you are going to buy stock from a shareholder who has no relationship with you, you must offer the shareholder a price in excess of the market value of his stock. 

6. Set the price that you are willing to offer in the window. Your offer must be above the current stock price to entice the shareholder to sell. After you have settled on a price, click the Offer button to make the offer. 
If the shareholder is not satisfied with your offer, the shareholder will reject it and demand a new price. If you think it is still an attractive price, accept it to complete the transaction. 

NOTE: Some shareholders will refuse to sell their shares no matter how much you offer them because their main interest is in controlling the corporation. 


If a person or a corporation acquires more than 50% of a target corporation, that person or corporation takes over the target corporation. After the takeover, the chairman of the acquiring corporation becomes the new chairman of the target corporation. 

In a corporation, the chairman is in charge of stock investment and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is fully responsible for all day-to-day management. 
Once you have taken over a target corporation, you immediately gain the right to use the cash supplies of the corporation for stock investment. 

To maintain control over a corporation, you possess at least 50% of the corporation’s stock. If the percentage you own falls below 50%, you lose control immediately. If no single shareholder owns more than 50% of the corporation’s stock, control reverts to the corporation’s CEO. 

Mutual control can happen. That is, corporation A owns more than 50% of corporation B’s stock and corporation B owns more than 50% of corporation A’s stock. If this occurs, ultimate control belongs to the corporation that first initiates the takeover. 


A merger results when two corporations combine. In the game, if a corporation owns at least 75% of another corporation, the corporation can execute a merger with the controlled corporation. 

To execute a merger, open the Stock Information screen. The Merger button (below the Buy button in the stock buying section) is displayed if your corporation owns at least 75% of another corporation. Click the Merger button to display a window that explains you must acquire the remaining shares of the target corporation to accomplish the merger. You have two choices to perform a merger. You can either pay cash equal to the value of the remaining shares of the company you want to take over, or you can issue new shares of your corporation in exchange for the value of the stock held by shareholders in the company you are buying out. 

If you prefer to issue new shares, be reminded that it will dilute the shares of existing shareholders, including yourself, and introduce new shareholders into your corporation. Although a rare event, it is possible that after you issue new stock, the shareholders of the target corporation in the merger could own more than 50% of your corporation and gain control of your corporation as a result. 


If a merger is successful, all the target corporation’s assets are consolidated into the acquiring corporation. The acquiring corporation also acquires the target corporation’s technologies. The target corporation ceases to exist and the merger is complete. 

After the merger, all the target corporation’s products are labeled with the acquiring corporation’s brand. If the acquiring corporation is pursuing a unique brand strategy, the brand rating of all these products is reset to zero. 

Stock Trading Regulation 

To prevent you from manipulating the stock market, you must follow these regulations: 

. You cannot use a corporation that you control to buy a stock in which you have ownership. 
. You cannot use a corporation that you control to buy a stock in which your corporation has ownership. 
. Your corporation cannot buy a stock in which you have ownership. 
Issuing Shares and Paying Dividend 
Issuing New Shares 

One of the most common ways a corporation raises new capital is by issuing new shares. When new shares are issued, the shares are offered to public shareholders. The cash received from the sale of stock is deposited into the operating capital of the corporation. 

Access the Issue New Shares screen by either clicking Financial Actions from the Information menu or by locating and selecting the government run Investment Bank in the main city view. 

When your corporation issues new shares, you must make two decisions. 
First, you must decide the issuing price. It can be any amount lower than the current stock price. (If the price were higher than the current stock price, nobody would buy the new shares.) Second, you must decide how many new shares to issue. The limit on the number of new shares you can issue depends on the following: 

. Profitability of your corporation. Investors will welcome your stock if your corporation is showing some promising results. 
. Issuing price. If the new shares are offered at a lower and more attractive price, more investors will want to buy them. 
. Frequency of issuing new shares. New shares cannot be issued too frequently. You must give the market time to absorb the new shares. 
In the Issue New Shares screen, the maximum number of the shares you may issue is displayed. In addition to considering the maximum number of shares that can be issued, you should also consider the following: 

. Total number of shares outstanding. The impact on the existing shareholders will be greater if the number of new shares to be issued is closer to the total number of shares outstanding. 
. Current stock price. The issuing price cannot exceed the current stock price. 
. Expected gross receipt. The expected amount of money your corporation will receive by issuing new shares. 
Although issuing new shares is an effective means of rapidly generating new funds, it does have a major drawback. Issuing new shares reduces the ownership percentage of existing shareholders. Because you also own less of your company after you issue new shares, you could open your company to a hostile takeover. If issuing new shares provides any corporation or investor with the opportunity to own more than 50% of your corporation, the danger of a hostile takeover is not worth the new capital that you might raise. 

Paying Dividend 

You have to decide whether to pay out the corporation’s earnings or retain those funds for reinvestment in the firm. Although the dividend policy of a normal corporation has no long-term effect on its share price, in practice, most corporations try to pay a steadily increasing dividend. This provides investors with signals about management’s expectations for growth and its ability to generate more earnings. 

You can set a dividend payout ratio for your corporation and automatically pay dividends based on this ratio each year. Under this policy, the dividend per share is calculated by multiplying the earnings per share by the dividend payout ratio. 

To be able to alter the dividend you must first build your corporate headquarters and add a financial department. Open the financial department unit and select the Set Dividend option. Set the dividend payout ratio using the spinner and press the Select button when you are satisfied with your selection. 

The dividend payout ratio is initialized to zero when the game starts. 

Borrowing and Repaying 

To borrow or repay a bank loan, you must first click the government run Investment Bank in the Main City View, or choose the Share Issue and Bank Loan screen as detailed above (Issuing Shares, page 107). The Loan Screen opens with the following information: 

. Total Loan. The total loan your corporation has borrowed. 
. Monthly Interest. The monthly interest your corporation needs to pay. 
. Credit Limit. The maximum amount your corporation can currently borrow. This is determined by two factors: the equity and profitability of your corporation 
. Interest Rate. The current interest rate, which fluctuates from time to time. 
Under this information are two sets of spinners and buttons, one for borrowing and another for repaying. To borrow or repay a loan, set the amount you want and press the Borrow or Repay button. 

NOTE: The interest rate of your loan is floating. The amount of interest your corporation pays rises 
and falls with the current interest rate. 

Out of Cash and Bankruptcy 

If your corporation runs out of cash, a window pops up and you are forced to take one of the following actions: 

. Borrow bank loan 
. Issue new shares 
. Sell stocks 
. Close down firms 
. Declare bankruptcy 
If you decide to raise funds by taking out a bank loan, issuing new shares, or selling stocks, you are directed to the appropriate menu to carry out the transaction. For more information, refer to Borrowing and Repaying above, Issuing New Shares on page 107, and Buying and Selling to the Public on page 104. 

If you have exhausted every means of raising cash and still cannot meet your financial obligations, then your corporation must face the ultimate misfortune . bankruptcy. Once your corporation declares bankruptcy, all of the corporation’s firms are closed down and the land is sold. A report shows the remaining cash after selling off all land and stocks owned by your corporation. If there is any cash remaining, the cash is used to repay the bank loan. If any cash remains after repaying the bank loan, the cash is distributed to the shareholders. 

If your corporation goes bankrupt, you lose the game. The Bankruptcy Report is displayed, followed by the Final Score Report, which shows your final score in the game, and then the game ends. 


Chapter 7: Marketing 

Overall Rating 

In the game, each product is given an overall rating. This rating serves as an indicator of the overall attractiveness of the product. 

The overall rating is determined by: 

. Price. The higher the price, the lower the overall rating. 
. Quality Rating. The higher the quality rating, the higher the overall rating. 
. Brand Rating. The higher the brand rating, the higher the overall rating. 
. Price Concern. Determines the weight of price in the overall rating. 
. Quality Concern. Determines the weight of quality rating in the overall rating. 
. Brand Concern. Determines the weight of brand rating in the overall rating. 
Price, Quality & Brand Concern 

When a consumer buys a product, the product’s price, quality, and brand are considered. However, the relative concern consumers place on these factors varies from product to product. 

Some products, such as frozen meat, are very difficult to apply a brand to because they lack differentiating features. Consumers generally buy based on quality and price with little concern for the brand name. 

On the other hand, for products such as soft drinks, the brand name is much more important when consumers make their purchasing decisions. Some consumers may continue to purchase a product to which they are loyal, even if competitors offer products of superior quality and at a lower price. 

Based on this consumer behavior, each product has a set of predefined values. These values include price concern, quality concern, and brand concern. They are shown as percentages and their sum is always 100 percent (that is, when a consumer buys a product with 60 percent price concern, 30 percent quality concern, and 10 percent brand concern, the foremost concern is price. Quality is second and the brand is least important.

These concerns vary slightly from city to city because of cultural variations among cities. To find out the concerns for a specific product in a specific city, refer to the Product Summary Report (page74) or the Product Detail Report (page76). 

Overall Rating & Product Demand 

Most people will prefer a product with a higher overall rating. This does not, however, imply that goods with a lower overall rating are destined to fail in the market. There is always a group of consumers who are more price-sensitive and will buy a lower-cost product even if it has a lower overall rating. Thus, you can still compete successfully in the market by becoming a cost or quality leader. 

Calculating the Overall Rating 

Since the overall rating is calculated automatically by the game, you don’t need to understand how it’s calculated. The following formula is for your reference only. 

QR x QC BR x BC (StdPr - SellPr) x PC

Rating = + + 

60 60 StdPr 

QR is the quality rating. 
QC is the quality concern. 
BR is the brand rating. 
BC is the brand concern. 
StdPr is the standard price 

NOTE: Each has a predefined standard price. It is for the internal calculations only and is not displayed. 

SellPr is the selling price. 
PC is the price concern. 


To compete successfully in the marketplace, you need a solid understanding of how a product’s quality is determined and how you can improve its quality. 

In the game a product’s quality rating ranges from 0 to 100. If you are in a highly competitive market, compare quality ratings of your products to those of the competitors frequently and react if their quality ratings rise. 

The following sections explain how the quality of manufactured goods, crops, livestock products and raw materials is determined. 

Manufactured Goods 

The quality of manufactured goods depends of two factors: 

. The quality of raw materials 
. The production technology level of the factory See Page 47 (Chapter 4, Manufacturing Unit) 


Crop product quality is consistent among different farms. The quality does increase, however, as a farm accumulates experience. A farm with higher unit levels produces better-quality crop products 
Livestock Products 

Livestock product quality is consistent among different farms. The quality does increase, however, as a farm accumulates experience. A farm with higher unit levels produces better-quality livestock products. 

Raw Materials 

For raw materials such as timber, crude oil, coal, chemicals, or metals, the 
quality is determined by the quality of natural resource reserves. 


A brand is a distinguishing name and/or symbol intended to identify and differentiate a seller’s products from competitors’ products. A well established brand is a valuable, intangible asset. For some products, a consumer may judge a product mainly by its brand. 

A brand rating represents the overall value of a brand. This rating is the sum of the brand awareness rating and the brand loyalty rating. These two ratings are described in detail in the following sections. 

Brand Awareness 

Brand awareness measures consumers’ knowledge that a particular brand exists. People will often buy a familiar brand because they feel more comfortable with it. They may assume that a product with a familiar brand is reliable, of reasonable quality, and that it is produced by a company with a reputation for having been in the marketplace a long time. 

Brand Awareness Level and Rating 

Brand awareness ranges from barely being recognized as a competitor in the marketplace to being recognized as the only one in the product class. The brand awareness rating, which has a range from 0 to 100, represents the two main dimensions of brand awareness: the percentage of the city population that is aware of the brand and the average awareness level of the people. 

Increasing Brand Awareness 

Brand awareness increases when: 

. The brand has been advertised extensively. 
. The products using the brand have been sold for a long time. 
. The products using the brand are widely distributed. 
. The customer base is large. 
Brand Loyalty 

Brand loyalty measures the attachment that a customer has to a brand. If a customer continues to purchase a brand even in the face of competitors with a superior quality and/or lower price, then there must be a substantial value placed in the brand itself. 

Brand Loyalty Level and Rating 

In the game, a brand loyalty rating (with a range of 0 to 100) represents the two main dimensions of brand loyalty: 

. The percentage of the people who are loyal to the brand . The average loyalty level of the people Brand Loyalty Factors 

Brand loyalty is based mainly on the following factors: 

Brand Awareness 

Brand loyalty cannot exist without the prior purchase and use of a product. 
The brand must first generate sufficient awareness for the consumers purchase and use the product. The higher the awareness, the more people will try the product, and the faster the rate at which the loyalty can increase. 

Product Quality 

If a customer is satisfied after using the product, brand loyalty increases. Conversely, a bad experience with a product will lead to a decrease in brand loyalty or sometimes even negative brand loyalty (the customer will avoid buying the same brand in the future). In addition, customers will only be loyal to a brand if products of the brand have consistent quality. 

Brand Scope 

If a brand covers a variety of products, the corporation is not perceived as a dedicated provider of a single category of products. Consumers may doubt the devotion of the corporation to that product and their loyalty to the brand may thus be reduced. See “Brand Strategy” below for details on brand scope. 

Brand Strategy 

Your corporation can select one of three brand strategies in Capitalism II: 

. Corporate Brand. A corporation uses a single umbrella brand for all its products. 
. Range Brand. A single brand covers a range of products within the same product class. 
. Unique Brand. Each product has a unique brand. 
We strongly recommend that you decide the brand strategy of your corporation at the beginning of the game. Switching brand strategy after brands have been established not only leads to a loss of the hard-earned brand rating, but is also gives your competitors an opportunity to steal customers during the difficult task of reestablishing your brands. 

To set the brand strategy of your corporation, first open the Corporate Detail Report and then select the Brand section. A set of buttons appears in the upper left section of the report: 

. Corporate Brand 
. Range Brand 
. Unique Brand 
The selected button represents your corporation’s brand strategy. 
To switch to a new brand strategy, click the button representing that strategy. 
You are warned that your products will be designated with the new brand strategy and that the brand ratings of all you products will be set to zero as a result. To proceed, answer Yes and the brand replacement starts immediately. 

Corporate Brand 

If the corporation uses a single umbrella brand for all its products, the corporation does not start from scratch in building up awareness of the brand identity for a new product. The investment required in the line accordingly reduced. 

Although this strategy offers major savings in the time and resources required to build a new brand from scratch and improves the cost effectiveness of resources spent on supporting the brand family, it is not without drawbacks. 

Its major drawback is that the corporation is not perceived as a dedicated provider of a single category of product. Consumers may doubt the devotion of the corporation to the product and their loyalty to the brand may thus be reduced. 

In addition, when a corporation extends its product lines to others markets, it becomes more difficult for the corporation to maintain the quality and consistency of its products. Failure to maintain quality and consistency results in damage to the brand as a whole. The risk increases if the corporation extends its product lines across markets of different product classes. 

Range Brand 

Under the strategy, products in the same product class are labeled with a single range brand. 

The range brand strategy enjoys the same benefits and drawbacks as the corporate brand strategy, but to a lesser extent. These effects are limited because the number of products a range brand covers is smaller. The range brand strategy is preferable to the corporate brand strategy if the quality of your corporation’s products varies substantially across different product classes. On the other hand, if you are confident that the quality of your products can be maintained, then the corporate brand strategy may be a better choice. 

Unique Brand 

Under this strategy, each product has a unique brand. 

The unique brand strategy’s most obvious advantage is that you can simply forget the risk of brand interference across different product lines. Brand loyalty, which has been built up over the years, will not be damaged by inappropriate quality control in other product lines. 

The downside of this strategy, however, is that each individual product needs separate advertising to establish and support its brand. Under this strategy advertising can become a major expense for the corporation. The corporation can lose a price advantage to a corporation that successfully pursues a corporate or range brand strategy. 


Advertising is the most important element of brand development. With a handsome advertising budget, a firm can raise the public awareness of a brand easily and rapidly. A clear understanding of advertising is the first step toward becoming a successful brand manager. 

The sections below first introduce some basic media concepts and then discuss the effect of advertising frequency, reach, duration, and the relationships between them. Finally, a section illustrates the relationship between advertising and product quality. 

The following deals with the theoretical side of advertising. To know exactly how your products can be advertised, see “Advertising Unit” on page 31. 

Media Concepts 

Before you start advertising your products, you should be familiar with the following media concepts, as they will be used extensively in areas relating to advertising: 

. Media Vehicle. The specific program, publication, or promotional piece used to carry an advertising message. 
. Coverage. A measure of the potential audience that might receive an advertising message through a media vehicle. 
. Reach. The number of different audience members exposed at least once to a media vehicle in a given period. 
. Rating Points. A measurement used to determine the portion of potential audiences receiving messages from a specific media vehicle. 
One rating point is the equivalent of one percent of all of the potential audiences receiving messages from a specific media vehicles. It can be calculated by dividing the reach by the coverage. 
. Cost Per Advertisement. The cost to place an advertisement on the medium. 
. Cost Per Thousand. The cost of exposing 1,000 members of a target audience to an advertising message. 
. Daily Frequency. An indication of the number of times a target audience is exposed to an advertisement in a day. 
. Monthly Frequency. An indication of the number of times a target audience of exposed to an advertisement a month. 
. Frequency, Reach and Duration. Three main attributes of an advertising campaign. These terms are explained below: 
- Frequency. This indicates the number of times an average audience is exposed to an advertisement in a specified time period. 
The higher the frequency, the greater the chance the audience will be aware of the advertisement. It is difficult to determine which frequency is the most effective, but generally a person must be exposed to an advertisement at least three or four times before the person can recognize the brand. A frequency that is too low cannot deliver an advertising message clearly and may not be able to improve the brand awareness at all. 

-Reach. The number of people exposed to a specific advertisement at least once during a particular time period. 
Each media vehicle (newspaper and television in the game) has a different rating and reach. Media vehicles with a higher reach will charge a higher cost for delivering an advertisement. 

To make the advertising campaign successful, enough people must be exposed to the advertisement. If a single media vehicle cannot provide you with satisfactory reach, you should advertise your products on more than one media vehicle to have a higher combined reach. 

-Duration. This refers to the duration of the advertising campaign. 
You determine the duration of an advertising campaign. 
You can spread the advertising budget evenly over a year or concentrate spending on months when the demand is high. 

Since your advertising budget may not allow you to have high frequency, high reach, and long duration at the same time, you must allocate your resources to each of them wisely. For example, if high-frequency exposure is necessary to bring your product into public awareness, then you might need to sacrifice reach and duration for frequency. 

Advertising & Product Quality 

Advertising can be an effective way of building up brand equity, but only when used adequately and wisely. 

Spending large amounts of money advertising a low-quality product is a waste of money. Customers will only develop brand loyalty toward a high-quality product. If your product is inferior to those of its competitors, you can save money budgeted for advertising and concentrate on cost reduction instead. This lets you position your company as a cost leader and target the market segment of price-sensitive customers. 

The following illustrates the effect of advertising under four different case scenarios: 

. Low quality and little advertising. Low demand at first due to low brand awareness. 
Demand remains low or even drops because the buyers are not satisfied with the low quality, which results in low or even negative loyalty toward the brand. 

Long term: Brand awareness is low; brand loyalty is low or even negative; demand is low. 

. Low quality and heavy advertising. High demand at first due to high brand awareness raised be heavy advertising. 
Demand decreases gradually because buyers are not satisfied with the low quality, resulting in low or even negative loyalty toward the brand. 

Long term: Brand awareness is high; brand loyalty is low or even negative; demand is low to moderate (high awareness can always attract some new buyers). 

. High quality and little advertising. Low demand at first due to low brand awareness. 
Demand increases gradually because buyers are satisfied with the high quality and develop loyalty toward the brand. 

Long term: brand awareness is low to moderate (large sales and a loyal customer base help increase awareness); brand loyalty is moderate to high; demand is moderate. 

. High quality and heavy advertising. High demand at first due to high brand awareness raised by heavy advertising. 
Demand continues to increase because buyers are satisfied with the 
high quality and develop loyalty towards the brand. 

Long term: Brand awareness is high; brand loyalty is high; demand is high. 

Local Competitors 

There are local competitors in each city. Although their firms are not shown in the game map, they compete directly with the corporations. Sometimes, they are even the major competing forces in the market. 

Information about local competitors is shown briefly in the Product Summary Report (page 74) and the Product Detail Report (page 76). The white portion of the pie charts in the reports represents the combined market share of all local competitors in the city. The reports also show the average price, quality rating, brand rating, and overall rating of the goods that are sold by the local competitors in the city. For more details on information in these two reports, see Chapter 5. 


Chapter 8: Personnel Management 

You can hire a Chief Operating Officer (COO) for your corporation and let that person take care of the day-to-day management of your firms. This frees you from tedious micro-management and lets you concentrate on corporate-level planning. 

You can also hire a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and a Chief Technical Officer (CTO). The marketing expertise of your CMO will influence any advertising units you have in your firms by increasing their efficiency. Your CTO will control all of your R&D firms, determining research and improving the efficiency of R&D projects with their expertise. 

To hire a COO, you must first build a Chief Operating Officer Office in your headquarters. For details, please see the section on headquarters in Chapter 4: Firms, Units and Buildings. Similarly, you must build a Chief Marketing Officer Office in order to hire a CMO and a Chief Technical Officer Office to hire a CTO. 
Hiring an Officer 

To hire a candidate, you may click the Look for Candidates button on the Officer’s Office in Headquarters. Subsequently, you will be taken to the Person Report in the Information Center. Alternatively, you can access Person Report directly and select the Career page. 

Now select the person you want to hire and choose from which of the three roles you would like the candidate to take: Chief Operating Officer, Chief Marketing Officer or Chief Technical Officer. When you have selected the role, the candidate will propose a salary that you may decline or accept. If you agree to the proposed sum the candidate will be immediately available to your corporation. 

Factors That Affect the Expected Salary 

The following factors affect the expected salary: 

The person’s expertise. The more expertise the person has, the higher the requested salary. 

. The person’s salary preference. Each person has different salary expectations. This preference is not, however, shown on the report; you have to figure it out yourself by experience. 
. Profitability of the corporation. A person expects a higher salary offer from a highly profitable company. 
. The person’s attitude toward you. Someone who doesn’t like you will work for you only if you offer a higher-than-average salary. 

A person’s attitude toward you improves if the person works for your corporation. 

It gets worse if: 

. You reject a request for a raise. 
. You terminate the person’s employment. 
. The person resigns. 
Salary Raise Request 

If your COO thinks he or she deserves a raise, you see a request for a raise. 
If you turn down the request, two outcomes are possible. 

. Stay in the corporation. 
If the COO is a good friend (attitude toward you is very good), the COO may stay in the corporation, but will feel discontented and attitude toward you will get worse. 

. Decide to resign. 
If the COO is not particularly fond of you, he or she may decide to 


How often you see raise requests depends on the individual’s personality. Some people ask for a raise without a second thought as soon as their current salary is below their expected level. Some people ask for a salary raise only if their current salary is far below their expected level. 


Your COO may ask to resign to start his or her own corporation or for personal reasons. You can try offering a higher salary or just let the COO go. 
The chance of a resignation is lower if your COO has a good attitude toward you. 


To terminate the employment of your COO, go to the career section of the person report and click the Terminate Employment button. 

You pay your COO one month’s salary and severance if you terminate employment. Severance is calculated by multiplying the weekly salary by the number of years the person has been working for your corporation. 

Laying a person off may cause resentment toward you. However, if the layoff is because of the corporation’s financial difficulties, the degree of resentment is minimized. 

Delegating Firms to Your Chief Operating Officer 

You can let your COO manage your firms. Display the detail screen of one of your firms and you see a portrait at the top-left corner of the screen, which shows the current manager of the firm. 

Click on the portrait and you will see a window where you can click the Let him manage this firm button to let your COO manage this firm. Now the portrait located at the top-left corner of the screen has changed to your COO’s. 

If you want your COO to manage all of your firms for you, click on his portrait. You will see a window where you can click the Let him manage all of my firms button to do just that. 

Later, if you wish to manage the firm yourself, click the COO’s portrait and select I will manage this firm myself from the window. 

COO’s Responsibilities 

The COO is responsible for day-to-day management of your firms but does not have the authority to set up or close down functional units. 

. Department Store. The COO sets the products’ selling price, arranges advertising, seeks better suppliers, stops the purchase if the cost is higher than the selling price, and conducts training if necessary. 
. Farm. The COO sets the products’ selling price, and conducts training if necessary. 
. Factory. The COO sets the products’ selling price, seeks new suppliers if the current supply of raw materials stops, and conducts advertising and training if necessary. 
. R&D Center. The COO decides which products to research and develop and how much training should be conducted. 
. Mine, Oil Well, and Logging Camp. The COO sets the raw materials’ selling price and conducts training if necessary. 
Your COO’s personality affects how much advertising and training are conducted and the preference for buying goods from sister firms owned by your corporation (see Personality on page 93). 

Management Policies 

You can set a number of policies for your COO to follow for managing your firms. To set the policies, go to the Career section of the Person Report. The following are their descriptions. 

Adjust the parameters your Chief Operating Officer adheres to in the Career section of the Person Report. 

Pricing Policy 

If you let your COO manage your firms, product prices are set in response to the market change. You can tell your COO to follow the pricing policy you prefer. It can be one of the following: 

. Normal Pricing Policy. The COO adjusts product prices so that your overall product ratings are close to the competition. 
. Aggressive Pricing Policy. The COO adjusts product prices so that your overall product ratings are about 10 points higher than the competition. 
. Very Aggressive Pricing Policy. The COO adjusts product prices so that your overall product ratings are about 20 points higher than the competition. 
However, if demand for a product is higher than supply, the COO will increase the price regardless of which pricing policy is in effect. When the bottleneck is in the supply, decreasing price only generates more demand but not sales. 

Set the pricing policy to aggressive or very aggressive only if you want to trigger a price war with your competitors. A price war greatly reduces the profit margins of all parties involved. It only pays off if your competitors are driven out of the market and you take advantage of the monopoly. 

Change Internal Sale. 

If this option is set to Yes, your COO will change the internal sale setting of your products for you. 

Look for Better Supplies. 

This option determines whether your COO will look for better supplies for your purchasing units. However, the product types of supplies will not be changed. If this option is set to From Own Firms Only, your COO will try to locate better supplies from your own firms only. If this option is set to From Any Firms, your COO will ignore who operates the supplying firms and pick the best available supplier. 

Look for Better Products to Sell in Retail Stores. 

If this option is set to Yes, your COO will attempt to change the types of products being sold in your retail stores to maximize your profits. 


Choose a name from the list of people and select Expertise from the menu list on the right to see the Expertise page. 

The computer players have expertise in the following fields: 

. Retailing 
. Farming 
. Manufacturing 
. Research and Development 
. Raw Materials Production. If a person has expertise in these fields, the firms that the person manages have higher unit levels. For every 20 expertise-level points, the units advance one level. For example, if a person’s manufacturing expertise level is 40, all functional units created in factories the person manages start at level 3. 

. Advertising. If a person has an advertising expertise, advertising conducted by the person generates higher brand awareness. The result doubles when a person’s advertising expertise level is 100. 
. Training. If a person has training expertise, the staff learn faster in training conducted by the person. The efficiency doubles when a person’s training expertise level is 100. 
Delegating Firms to a COO with Expertise 

If you assign your COO to manage a firm and your COO has expertise managing the firm, all the functional unit levels in the firm increase. For example, if you have a manufacturing unit of level 3, delegating the factory to a COO whose manufacturing expertise is 40 points increases the level of the manufacturing unit to 5 (3+2). 

If the COO quits managing your firms, the functional units drop back to their original level. However, any advancement gained from training is not affected. 

Delegating R&D Centers 

If you assign a person with R&D expertise to manage your R&D centers, new projects started by the COO will have higher expected technology advancement. However, the R&D projects that have already started do not benefit from the COO’s expertise. 

NOTE: If the COO quits managing the R&D centers, the expected technology advancement drops 
to the original level. 


Each computer player has a personality. The information is displayed in the Personality section of the Person Report. 


The most important aspect of personality is the main character attribute. The main character attribute can be any of the following: 

. Conservative. The principal mindset of a conservative person is safety. All expansion must be carefully planned and is carried out only when the existing business is profitable and the corporation’s cash reserve is high enough to make the person feel comfortable. . Moderate. A moderate person is always open to opportunities, but takes action only when confident. A moderate person still pays considerable attention to the corporation’s profitability and cash reserve before any expansion, but not as much as a conservative person. 
. Aggressive. Expect a corporation controlled by an aggressive CEO to expand relentlessly, because it does not care too much about the profitability and cash reserve of the current business. An aggressive person does not fear competition and will not hesitate to compete with you whenever the market is attractive. 
. Very Aggressive. The person with very aggressive character always wants to extend into all kinds of businesses. This person is interested in every sort of business because the ultimate goal is to control every market in the world. 

Apart from the main character attribute, a person’s concern about other subjects can also give you clues about management style. The person’s attitude toward a particular subject can range from 0 to 100. The areas where a person has concerns are listed below. 

Some of them are meaningful only if the person is a CEO or COO and do not apply to independent investors. The people to whom these concerns apply are shown in parentheses. 

Investing in Research and Development (CEO & COO) 

A high degree of concern here indicates someone who would invest heavily in R&D. A low number means that the person is conservative toward R&D investment. 

Investing in Training and New Equipment (CEO & COO) 

Whether the person believes in expending resources for the training of staff 
and the procurement of new equipment. 

Frequency of Upgrading Production Facilities (CEO & COO) 

A high degree of concern in this area indicates that the person would upgrade the production facilities as soon as a better production technology becomes available. A low number means that the person would upgrade production facilities only if the production technology has improved significantly. 

Upgrading production facilities can improve product quality, but it causes a downgrade of functional units. Therefore, there is never an optimal rate of upgrading production facilities. 

Spending on Advertising (CEO & COO) 

Whether the person would spend aggressively on advertising. 

Paying Dividend (CEO, COO, & Independent Investor) 

A high degree of concern here indicates that the person would pay generous dividends to the shareholders. 

Investing in Stock (CEO) 

A high number in this attribute indicates that the person enjoys investing in stocks and the person may enjoy speculating in stocks even more. 

Corporation Takeover and Merger (CEO) 

A high number in this area warns that your corporation would be at risk if the person is interested in your corporation. 

Strengthening Corporation Ownership (CEO) 

A high degree of concern here means that the person is highly conscious of the need to strengthen ownership. 

Endure Loss for Avoiding Layoff (CEO) 

A high degree of concern reflects that the person is a good employer and will be reluctant to close down firms or lay off employees. 

Purchasing Goods from Own Firms (CEO & COO) 

A high degree of concern indicates that the person’s corporation would always buy goods from its own firms, even if the goods offered by other suppliers were better. 

Advanced Management Technique 

Follow the steps below: 

1. Add the layout plans of your existing firms to the Layout Plan Library. 
Make sure that every functional unit is working before adding the plan to the library. 
2. Set up a new firm, and apply a layout plan from the library to the firm. 
3. Delegate the firm to your COO. Your COO will take care of the firm. Using this technique, you can minimize the amount of operation-level management you need to do. It is especially useful for factories, because your COO purchases all raw materials needed and you don’t have to look for suppliers yourself. 

Appendix A: Product Ranges 
of Retail Stores 

Product Sell in 

The following table displays the types of retail stores in which 
each product type may be sold when the game setting Retail Store 
Type is set to “Many.” 

Product Sell in 

Air Conditioner Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Hardware Store 
Backpack Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Sports Store 
Bath Lotion Department Store, Discount Megastore, 
Supermarket, Convenience Store, 
Cosmetic Store & Drug Store 
Bed Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Furniture Store 
Bottled Milk Discount Megastore, Supermarket & 
Convenience Store 
Bread Discount Megastore, Supermarket & 
Convenience Store 
Cakes Discount Megastore, Supermarket & 
Convenience Store 
Camera Department Store, Discount Megastore, 
Supermarket, Convenience Store & 
Hardware Store 
Camera Film Department Store, Discount Megastore, 
Supermarket, Convenience Store & 
Hardware Store 
Canned Corn Discount Megastore, Supermarket & 
Convenience Store 
Canned Soup Discount Megastore, Supermarket & 
Convenience Store 
Car Automobile Outet 
Chair Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Furniture Store 
Chewing Gum Discount Megastore, Supermarket & 
Convenience Store 

Chocolate Bar Discount Megastore, Supermarket & 
Convenience Store 
Cigarettes Discount Megastore, Supermarket & 
Convenience Store 
Cigars Discount Megastore, Supermarket & 
Convenience Store 
Cola Discount Megastore, Supermarket & 
Convenience Store 
Cold Tablets Discount Megastore, Supermarket, 
Convenience Store & Drug Store 
Cookies Discount Megastore, Supermarket & 
Convenience Store 
Corn Flakes Discount Megastore, Supermarket & 
Convenience Store 
Cough Syrup Discount Megastore, Supermarket, 
Convenience Store & Drug Store 
DVD Player Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Hardware Store 
Desktop Computer Department Store, Discount Megastore, 
Hardware Store & Computer Store 
Detergent Discount Megastore & Supermarket 
Eggs Supermarket & Convenience Store 
Elegant Watch Department Store & Jewelry + 
Watch Store 
Eye Shadow Department Store, Discount Megastore, 
Cosmetic Store & Drug Store 
Frozen Beef Supermarket & Convenience Store 
Frozen Chicken Supermarket & Convenience Store 
Frozen Lamb Supermarket & Convenience Store 
Frozen Pork Supermarket & Convenience Store 
Fruit Snacks Discount Megastore, Supermarket & 
Convenience Store 

Product Sell in Product Sell in 

Gold Ring Department Store & Jewelry + 
Watch Store 
Golf Clubs Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Sports Store 
Grape Juice Discount Megastore, Supermarket & 
Convenience Store 
Hair Color Department Store, Discount Megastore, 
Cosmetic Store & Drug Store 
Game Device 
Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Toy Store 
Headache Pills Discount Megastore, Supermarket, 
Convenience Store & Drug Store 
Hi-Fi Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Hardware Store 
Ice Cream Discount Megastore, Supermarket & 
Convenience Store 
In-line Skates Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Sports Store 
Jeans Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Apparel Store 
Leather Bag Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Leather Store 
Leather Belt Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Leather Store 
Leather Briefcase Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Leather Store 
Leather Jacket Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Apparel Store 
Leather Wallet Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Leather Store 
Lipstick Department Store, Discount Megastore, 
Cosmetic Store & Drug Store 
Microwave Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Hardware Store 

Mobile Phone Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Hardware Store 
Motorcycle Automobile Outlet 
Notebook Computer Department Store, Discount Megastore, 
Hardware Store & Computer Store 
Palm Computer Department Store, Discount Megastore, 
Hardware Store & Computer Store 
Perfume Department Store, Discount Megastore, 
Cosmetic Store & Drug Store 
Printer Department Store, Discount Megastore, 
Hardware Store & Computer Store 
Sandals Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Footwear Store 
Shampoo Department Store, Discount Megastore, 
Supermarket, Convenience Store, 
Cosmetic Store & Drug Store 
Shoes Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Footwear Store 
Silver Necklace Department Store & Jewelry + 
Watch Store 
Soap Department Store, Discount Megastore, 
Supermarket, Convenience Store, 
Cosmetic Store & Drug Store 
Socks Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Footwear Store 
Sofa Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Furniture Store 
Sport Shoes Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Footwear Store 
Sports Watch Department Store & Jewelry + 
Watch Store 
Sweater Department Store, Discount Megastore & 
Apparel Store

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